TEHRAN, May 30 (MNA) – Emphasising that instilling fear, anxiety, and uncertainty about the future of life is not helpful, the Iranian president called on the people to continue to work closely with the country's medical staff in the fight against coronavirus in full compliance with health protocols.

Speaking on Saturday at the meeting of the National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus, Hassan Rouhani said, "It is necessary that our decision is based on the fact that we must live with a virus for months, with full caution and observance of all health protocols.”

The president also said that according to the National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus, mosques across the country will be open for daily prayers with full implementation of health protocols, and shopping malls will reopen for limited working hours.”

At the meeting in which governors-general from all over the country attended via video conference, Rouhani said that coronavirus is still an important issue in the country and has caused many changes in political, social, health, and even cultural issues.

“Fortunately, great things have been taken place during the time of coronavirus outbreak, and today we are facing new conditions. Although our lives are more limited and partly through cyberspace, people need to believe that we will not be able to return to the normal conditions as before coronavirus soon,” said Rouhani.

"We may have to change our lifestyles for a long time and accept the restrictions and bring some of our lives into the cyberspace," the president said.

Referring to the report and concern of the Minister of Health and Medical Education on not heeding health protocols by the people in some areas, Rouhani said, "Not observing health protocols is a mistake that can endanger the future of our country.”

Emphasizing the need for communities to keep their distance and keep the infected people away from other members of the society, the President said, "Today, the heroes of our society are the medical staff who are taking steps in this direction with their devotion and self-sacrifice.”

Rouhani emphasized, "We have to plan as if we are living with this virus for years and months because there is still no definitive cure for this disease and this virus is spreading in different regions.”

The President said that organizing the economy and people's lives is one of the most important issues in this situation and said, "We must live with coronavirus, as in the past, with full caution and observance of care and instructions.”

Rouhani added, "We are not only making decisions on a weekly basis, but we are also monitoring and assessing the conditions and decisions on a daily basis, and we are making decisions based on the situation in each region.”

Referring to the report presented at the meeting on the number of coronavirus patients in the country, the President said, "This number should not be a cause for concern for the people because this figure is based on tests and is in favor of the future because it separates the infected or the carrier from other people.”

Referring to the criteria for measuring the spread of coronavirus in the country, including the situation of hospital beds and the severity of the outbreak of the disease, Rouhani said, "Fortunately, despite the length of the disease in the country, the medical staff was tired, but today, the vitality of the medical staff is very promising, and they are doing their work with strength, spirit, self-sacrifice, and dedication.”

The President continued, "Fortunately, we do not have any problems in hospitals in terms of equipment and devices for equipping hospitals and medical staff, and we only ask people to help the country's medical staff with more support and full implementation of health protocols.”

Explaining the approvals and decisions of today's meeting of the National Task Force for Fighting Coronavirus, Rouhani said, "In this meeting, decisions were made in the direction of new reopening, which does not mean that the risks are reduced, but we must continue to live with caution and follow the protocols.”

The President added, "In today's meeting, according to the request of the religious people of the country to reopen mosques for holding daily prayers, it was decided that congregational prayers be held throughout the country by observing health protocols and keeping distance.”

Rouhani added, "It was also decided in this meeting that the working hours of the shopping malls will be limited and these places will be able to continue their activities in compliance with health protocols.”

The President said: "Some issues were discussed in this meeting and it was decided to make a decision on them in future meetings by examining them further."

Rouhani stated, "One of these issues was the reopening of the courtyards of holy shrines during the night hours, which was decided to be further reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Health.”

The President stressed, “People must fully follow the health protocols and instructions on their travels these days because otherwise we may face a new wave in some cities and have to apply some regulations and restrictions in these areas.”

At the beginning of the meeting, Rouhani paid tribute to the memory of the great founder of the Islamic Revolution and the martyrs, adding, "The important thing that the Late Imam Khomeini (RA) did was that he led the movement to victory with all its ups and downs.”

Referring to the management and leadership of the society by Imam Khomeini (RA) during the Islamic Revolution and the Sacred Defense, the President said, “Imam Khomeini (RA) led the revolution to victory to save the country from tyranny and colonialism and to save the country from aggression and occupation.”

Rouhani added, "The Iranian nation continued to love Imam Khomeini (RA) and follow his path, and his righteous successor, the Supreme Leader, bears the same flag today, leading the nation to victory against all kinds of conspiracies.”
