TEHRAN, May 22 (MNA) – The Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces warned the enemies against any miscalculation to attack Iran, reminding them that the country will give a crushing response if they make any mistake in this regard.

“The Iranian armed forces will give a crushing response, in any place across the world, to any miscalculation by the enemies to attack the country’s interests,” Major General Bagheri said on Friday, on 38th anniversary of the liberation of the strategic port city of Khorramshahr from Iraqi forces under the former dictator Saddam Hussein.

General Bagheri referred to Iran’s performance during Iraq’s eight-year Imposed War, especially the historic liberation of Khorramshahr, saying it showed the true will and devotion of the Iranian nation and the divine assistance.

He noted that such braveries and strategies have turned into a model for the country to overcome potential wars in the future.

“The liberation of Khorramshahr May 1982, was a certain, decisive and powerful fact that forced the Western propaganda apparatus to make a big confession about Iran’s defense power,” he added.

Iranian forces recaptured the southwestern city in a landmark operation code-named Beit ol-Moqaddas on May 23, 1982.

Iran launched the operation in April 1982 and liberated Khorramshahr on May 24 of the same year. In retaking the city, the Iranians captured some 19,000 troops from the Iraqi army.

Some 6,000 Iraqi forces were also killed and thousands of others injured during the operation.
