TEHRAN, Mar. 02 (MNA) – Iranian President’s Chief of Staff Mahmoud Vaezi said that Islamic Republic of Iran has always strived for spread of peace and security in the region.

He made the remarks in an interview with IRNA on Monday.

Vaezi pointed to the need to continue dialogues and follow the trend of Astana Peace Process at the level of heads of states and experts for resolving Syrian crisis and added, “Islamic Republic of Iran has always tried to spread peace and security in the region.”

Turning to the recent developments in the region especially in Syria and position of the Islamic Republic of Iran with regards to these developments, Vaezi added, “relying upon consultations and talks made with the regional countries, Islamic Republic of Iran has emphasized the need for a solution in Syrian crisis through political dialogues.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, he pointed to this issue that President Rouhani in his recent talks with his Russian and Turkish counterparts has put special emphasis on this issue and added, “in these talks, President Rouhani has announced that Iran is ready to host Summit between Iran, Russia and Turkey for the spread of peace and stability in Syria.”

Astana Peace Process has gained considerable achievements in the recent years for de-escalation of tension in Syria, he said, adding, “Islamic Republic of Iran has considered Astana Peace Process ‘very important’ and has emphasized the need for continuing it.”

In addition, Islamic Republic of Iran does not consider its cooperation with friendly countries to help Syria as an alternative to the Astana Peace Process and all regional countries should strive to spread lasting peace and stability in Syria, Vaezi added.
