TEHRAN, Jan. 25 (MNA) – Deputy Ministry of Roads and Urban Development Kehirollah Khademi said that a number of six prioritized freeway projects, as long as 550 km, will be put into operation by 2021.

If these six freeways become operational, the length of freeways of the country will increase by 25 percent at large.

He made the remarks on Sat. and pointed to the latest situation of infrastructural freeway projects in the 12th government dubbed ‘hope and prudence’ and added, “of total 3,500 km length of new freeway, about 1,200 km is under construction.”

Of total 15,000 km of highway needed in the country, construction of 7,700 km of highway is underway, he said, adding, “with the studies made in this regard, about 1,000 to 1,200 km of which is put into operation annually.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, the deputy roads minister pointed to the six prioritized highways projects in the country and added, “it is tried to put all of them into operation by one and a half years later.”
