TEHRAN, Jan. 05 (MNA) – "The US must be aware that we are in a great confrontation with it, we intend to take revenge and we seek to target various US positions across the globe and even in Tel-Aviv," the Spokesman for Iraq's Hashd al-Shaabi forces Ali al-Hosseini warned on Sunday.

In his interview with Al-Mayadeen, he voiced Hashd al-Shaabi's full readiness, adding that "today, we are waiting for the Iraqi Parliament to decide about expelling US troops and forces from Iraq, otherwise we will take revenge."

He noted that US' stances are not restricted to Iranians and Iraqis but it includes the resistance axis.

He added that from the time on, only the resistance axis will speak in Iraq.

The announcement came after IRGC Quds Force commander, Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani and Iraq’s Hashd al-Sah’abi deputy Mahdi al-Mohandes, were assassinated by the US terrorist forces in Baghdad on Friday.
