TEHRAN, Aug. 18 (MNA) – Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary-general of the Lebanese Hezbollah movement, gave a televised speech on Friday on the 13th anniversary of the “Grand Victory” during the ‘Israeli’ 33-day July 2006 war on Lebanon.

Over the speech, Nasrallah said “if Israelis intrude into Lebanon, all their war tanks will be destroyed. In the past, Israel wanted to destroy the Hezbollah movement, but today, the movement has turned into a major power in the region.”

Nasrallah told Zionists, “I warn you not to come to Lebanon, if you start a war with Lebanon, everybody will eventually see your final annihilation in a live televised broadcast. The 33-day war revealed the real face of the Zionist regime. Today, the Israelis have lost their confidence that they will be able to defeat Lebanon.”

“Keeping the resistance alive will stop the resurgence of terrorism in Syria and will prevent another world war in Syria. Surely, resistance and fighting will cost us far less than accepting surrender or submission,” he noted.

Nasrallah added that Hezbollah movement has always been after peace and stability in the region, and today “Benjamin Netanyahu, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (UAE) are the ones who want to wage war in the region.”

Anyway, the most important part of Nasrallah speech was about the power of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the foreign threats against it.

“Now that American officials have retreated from their previous threats about attacking Iran, we are on the verge of making a historic achievement. Any war against Iran will burn the whole region into pieces; attacking Iran, as a member of the resistance, means attacking all members of the resistance.”

With these statements, Nasrallah gave very serious warnings to the enemies of resistance, including the United States, Saudi Arabia and UAE who are constantly trying to cause tensions and start wars in the region.

Nasrallah threatened that if the enemies pose any danger to Iran, other members of the resistance, including Hezbollah will not remain silent; rather, they will support Iran and target the intruders.

Hezbollah’s warnings are coming at a critical time; over the past few weeks Americans had repeatedly announced that military operation against Iran is on the table; however, they reduced these threats after they realized the power of Iran; over this time Iran downed an intruding American drone in the sky of Persian Gulf and seized a British oil tanker who had violated international maritime laws.

Nasrallah reminded enemies of “the unity of resistance” and made it clear that attacking any members of resistance is the same as attacking the whole unity.

Nasrallah’s threat was very clear, so the warmongers in the region such as Bin Salman, Bin Zayed, and Netanyahu will surely receive the intended message.

On the other hand, what Nasrallah said about the defensive and military power of Iran against the US and its allies drew the attention of media all around the world toward Iran.

Nasrallah clearly stated that “Donald Trump, the US president realized Iran’s high military power and brevity, so he refrained from attacking the country.”

Nasrallah meant to clarify that US decision to avoid war with Iran was not a strategic and diplomatic decision; rather, it was made out of fearing Iran’s power.

Clearly, Nasrallah’s speech was supposed to have a “preventive effect”; the purpose was that the warmongers in the region and the world will get a grasp of the unity of resistance forces, so they will take it into account, before seeking any adventures in the region and reconsider all their moves and decisions.

Another purpose of the speech was to notify enemies, including Saudi and the US, about the rising power of Hezbollah and Iran as this power will change all their previous calculations and even some western media are now admitting that US power against Iran is rapidly declining.