TEHRAN, May 08 (MNA) – Iran has revealed countermeasures to US’ withdrawal from the nuclear deal, removing restrictions on storage of heavy water and enriched uranium, and giving the five remaining parties to JCPOA 60 days before reducing further commitments to the agreement.

“In line with protecting the security and national interests of the Iranian people”, the Supreme National Security Council has ordered stop to implementation of some parts of commitments of the Islamic Republic of Iran under the JCPOA according to articles 26 and 36 of the agreement.

The letter containing the details of Iran’s countermeasures to the US withdrawal from the agreement and its increasing pressure and restrictions against the Islamic Republic since May 2018 was presented to the ambassadors of the five remaining parties to the Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA) - France, Germany, UK, Russia and China – on Wednesday morning, a few hours before President Rouhani went live on a television broadcast to discuss the decision in length.

According to the decision of the Supreme National Security Council, Iran will no longer commit to the restrictions put on storage of enriched uranium and heavy water under the agreement.

The remaining parties to the nuclear deal have been given 60 days to implement their commitments under the JCPOA, particularly those related to the banking and oil sectors. Failure to do so will prompt the Islamic Republic to stop complying with restrictions on the level of uranium enrichment and the modernization of Arak heavy water reactor, the statement says.

“At any given time that our demands are met, we will resume complying with the stopped commitments; otherwise, we will continue to stop implementing the other commitments step by step,” adds the statement by the Supreme National Security Council.

“Iran is ready to continue its consultations with the remaining parties to the JCPOA on all levels,” the statement notes. “However, Iran will respond decisively and immediately to any irresponsible act, such as referring the issue to the UN Security Council or the imposition of more sanctions.”

The statement further stresses that the failure of the JCPOA and any possible consequence will be fully upon the United States and the remaining parties to the nuclear deal.
