TEHRAN, Oct. 10 (MNA) – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab-African Affairs Hossein Jaberi Ansari pointing to the recent killing of the Yemeni people in a funeral ceremony said the international community must focus on the continued killing of innocent people in Yemen.

Speaking during a meeting with Secretary General of European External Action Service (EEAS) Helga Schmid on Sunday in Brussels, Amir-Abdollahian touched upon the current crisis and dire humanitarian situation in Yemen and Syria.

Underlining the need for attention of international community to the continued killing of innocent people in Yemen by Saudi criminals, Amir-Abdollahian condemned bombing of a packed funeral hall in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a on Saturday, calling the action a symbol of Riyadh frustration and failed policies in Yemen and the region.

Jaberi Ansari also reiterated that the only way to end the Syrian crisis is a political solution, adding it needs the companionship of dominant foreign actors.

"Political solution, agreement on the general principles of resolving the crisis and serious Syrian-Syrian talks will help Syrian people decide on their own country's future," he added.

Helga Schmid expressed regret over Saudi attack on innocent people gathered in a funeral ceremony in Yemen, saying that the European Union issued a statement condemning yesterday's attack against civilians.

Expressing gratitude to the support of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Schmid called for the continuation and strengthening of cooperation between Europe and Iran in the field of facilitation of humanitarian assistance to the conflict zones in Syria.

Schmid added she agrees with Iran's views that the Syrian crisis has no military solution and all should contribute to form a political solution.

During the talks, the two sides stressed the need for following up and paying simultaneous attention to three political, humanitarian, security issues in resolving Syrian crisis.

Jaberi Ansari departed for Geneva and Brussels on Thursday to discuss regional developments with senior Swiss and Belgian officials.
