TEHRAN, Jun. 26 (MNA) – Spokeswoman of China’s Foreign Ministry said Monday that the “effective way” to unfreeze Iran nuclear deal was to hold dialogue.

“It is an effective way to resolve the issue to resume the full and effective implementation of the comprehensive plan (JCPOA) through dialogue and negotiation,” Mao Ning said. 

Mao said the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, is “an important outcome of multilateral diplomacy."

“We have stayed in close contact with parties concerned and encouraged them to step up diplomatic efforts, help bring the JCPOA back to the right track at an early date, uphold the international non-proliferation regime and promote peace and stability in the Middle East,” she added.

According to Mao, China supports efforts that are conducive to easing the situation of the Iranian nuclear issue to gain time and create conditions for a political and diplomatic solution. 

The JCPOA was signed in 2015 between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany. Former US President Donald Trump illegally pulled out of the deal in 2018 while the current US President, Joe Biden, has signaled that he is ready to resurrect the agreement.

Russia, the UK, Germany, China, the US, and France have been in talks with Iran since April 2021 to reinstate the deal.

The talks to salvage the JCPOA kicked off in the Austrian capital of Vienna in April 2021, with the intention of examining Washington’s seriousness in rejoining the deal and removing anti-Iran sanctions.

The negotiations have been at a standstill since August due to Washington’s insistence on its hard-nosed position of not removing all the sanctions that were slapped on the Islamic Republic by the previous US administration. Iran maintains it is necessary for the other side to offer some guarantees that it will remain committed to any agreement that is reached.