TEHRAN, Jun. 21 (MNA) – A State Department spokesperson who spoke on the condition of anonymity reacted to the raid of the Albanian police against the MKO terrorists' base in Manez.

In a comment to Fox News Digital a State Department spokesperson said Washington had been assured "all actions were conducted in accordance with applicable laws, including with regard to the protection of the rights and freedoms of all persons in Albania."

"We support the Government of Albania’s right to investigate any potential illegal activities within its territory," the spokesperson added.

The US sits in a precarious position when it comes to the aggressive raids Tuesday as it has supported the anti-Iran terrorist groups abroad since at least 2009 when it led efforts to remove the oppositionists from Iraq after the Iraqi government became hostile toward the MEK.

In recent years, senior American officials, including Former Vice President Mike Pence, Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Former US National Security Advisor John Bolton have participated and given speeches in the meetings of MKO terrorists in Albania.

Several people were injured on Tuesday as Albania's police inspected a base of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MKO) terrorist organization in Manez.

Following the clashes that broke out between the terrorist forces and the Albanian police, an MKO terrorist was killed and dozens of others were injured, according to the reports.

The reports added that 6 of the injured terrorists are in critical health condition.

According to the statement released by the Albanian interior ministry, the Albanian police took control of the terrorists' base for an hour and inspected their offices and electronic devices. 

Some unconventional electronic devices, including a number of drones, were seized by the police, according to the statement.

Earlier on Wednesday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson on early Wednesday reacted to the developments and said, "The MKO elements will always pose a threat to the security of their host due to their terrorist nature."

The MKO has conducted numerous assassinations and bombings against Iranian statesmen and civilians since the 1979 victory of Iran’s Islamic Revolution. Its members fled Iran in 1986 to Iraq, where they enjoyed backing from former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

Out of the nearly 17,000 Iranians killed in terrorist assaults since the Islamic Revolution, about 12,000 have fallen victim to the MKO’s acts of terror.

MKO terrorists enjoy the freedom of activity in the US and Europe and even hold regular meetings where European and American officials make speeches.
