TEHRAN, May 27 (MNA) – The people of Bahrain staged a large-scale demonstration to condemn the repression of Shia religious scholars, chanting slogans against the normalization of relations with the Tel Aviv regime.

Following the release of Senior cleric "Mohammed Sanqour", a researcher of Islamic affairs, after four days of detention, the people of Bahrain staged a demonstration after the end of Friday prayers in "Al-Draz" District in the west of Manama.

The demonstrator condemned the repression of Shia religious scholars and chanted anti-Zionist slogans, according to local media.

According to the report of demonstration by "Al-Ahed" website on Saturday, the Bahraini demonstrators chanted anti-Zionist regime slogans while holding placards and images of Sheikh Sangour. 

ْThe report added, that marchers condemned any normalization of relations with the Zionist regime, Meanwhile, they emphasized that they will support Islamic scholars and will not accept the suppression of Shia scholars.

Different Shia scholars accompanied the protesters by attending their march, the report concluded.
