TEHRAN, May 08 (MNA) – The Spokesman for Iran Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Abolfazl Amouei says that the United States' threats will not affect Iran's will regarding its nuclear program.

In an interview with Mehr News Agency, the senior Iranian parliament member reacted to the remarks of the US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan who recently claimed that the Zionist regime has the freedom of action to act against Iran’s nuclear program.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran only pays attention to its own national interests and peaceful needs to determine what approach to pursue in its nuclear program," Amouei stressed.

Saying that such threats will not have any effect on the will of Iran, Amouei cited that if the other side is seeking changes in Iran's nuclear program, it should return to its commitments.

"Today, Iran makes decisions about its own peaceful nuclear program without restrictions," he added.

Considering Jake Sullivan's recent threats and statements contrary to reality, Amouei added that the Americans must know better than anyone that they are responsible for their current situation.

They unilaterally withdrew from the JCPOA and cannot comment on Iran's nuclear program, he further noted.
