TEHRAN, Jan. 29 (MNA) – Referring to the failed drone attack in Isfahan on Saturday night, Mohammad Marandi warned that such moves will not be without consequences.

The Iranian senior political analyst and the advisor to the Iranian negotiating delegation in the nuclear talks made the remarks by publishing the following image on his Twitter page:

"Not a good week for the apartheid regime either at home or abroad," Marandi wrote.

"However, even though Netanyahu and his western-backed terrorist allies in northern Iraq have failed, there will be consequences. They both need to learn that punishment comes with failure too," he stressed.

The Iranian Defense Ministry announced that its air defense units have repelled a drone attack on a military workshop in the central city of Isfahan.

The ministry made the announcement in an early Sunday statement after an explosion was reported at one of Isfahan’s defense industry complexes late Saturday, Press TV reported.

The ministry said one of its workshop complexes had come under attack from a number of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs), but the complex’s air defenses successfully repelled the attack.

The ministry noted that the unsuccessful attack did not cause any loss of life and only led to minor damage to the roof of a workshop. The complex, it added, continues its ordinary operations following the attack.
