Publish Date: 25 December 2022 - 11:00

TEHRAN, Dec. 25 (MNA) – While Iran has long said that it does not take sides in Ukraine war, Kyiv officials have ratcheted up their criticism to the extent that an aide to the Ukrainian president called for liquidation of Iranian military factories.

But Iran’s patience seems to be wearing thin on Ukrainian officials. Facing constant accusations from Ukraine and the West over the alleged provision of drones to Russia for use in Ukraine, Iran sought to set the record straight about its military cooperation with Russia. Iranian officials said time and again that they did not provide any drones to Russia to be used in Ukraine. It only sold a number of drones before the war broke out in Ukraine. 

The Iranian announcements and clarifications, however, fell on deaf ears in Kyiv with Ukrainian officials parroting Western accusations against Iran in regard to the provision of drones. 

Iran and Ukraine even held an expert-level meeting to address the issue. Iranian Defense Minister Abbas Ashtiani has recently said Ukraine did not provide any pieces of technical evidence that Russia used Iranian-made drones in the war in Ukraine. 

He said the Ukrainian side kicked the can down the road and postponed discussing the matter in a future meeting. “Of course, this matter is not important and cannot be followed up because much of the talks were based on unfounded and baseless statements and rumors,” he said, adding, “Military cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia has existed long ago and there was no cooperation regarding the use of Iranian-made drones in the Ukraine war.”

Despite Iranian denials, Ukrainian officials continue to buy into Western allegations against Iran. “When Russia — when Russia cannot reach our cities by its artillery, it tries to destroy them with missile attacks. More than that, Russia found an ally in this — in this genocidal policy: Iran. Iranian deadly drones sent to Russia in hundreds — in hundreds became a threat to our critical infrastructure. That is how one terrorist has found the other,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a halting speech before US Congress. 

And on Saturday, an aide to President Zelensky called for the liquidation of Iranian military plants. Mykhailo Podolyak, who is an adviser to the head of the office of the Ukrainian president, accused Iran of supplying Russia with drones and missiles. “Iran, planning to boost missile, drone supplies for Russia, blatantly humiliates the institution of international sanctions… Important to abandon nonworking sanctions, invalid UN resolutions concept, & move to more destructive tools – liquidation of plants, arrest of suppliers,” he said on Twitter. 

Facing growing criticism from Ukraine, Iran seems to be moving in the direction of coming down hard on Ukraine. 

Responding to President Zelensky’s speech before US Congress, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan'ani warned Zelensky that Iran's strategic patience is limited.

In a statement on Thursday, Kan'ani denounced the “hackneyed claims and discourteous statements” of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky against Iran in the US.

“Once again, we reiterate that the Islamic Republic of Iran has not transferred any military equipment to any party for use in the Ukraine war," Kan'ani stated in response to the claims made by Ukrainian officials regarding drone sales to Russia.

The spokesman reminded the Ukrainian president that Iran's strategic tolerance with regard to the “unfounded claims” is limited. He reiterated Iran's support for the territorial integrity of all nations, including Ukraine.

Kan'ani added, “Mr. Zelensky had better take lessons from the destiny of those presidents of nations who depended on US backing.”

By: Sadegh Fereydounabadi

First published in Tehran Times