TEHRAN, Nov. 02 (MNA) – Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Wednesday reacted to the western media's claims that Iran is planning to strike Saudi Arabia.

Moscow has no idea where speculation on Iran’s alleged plans to launch an offensive against Saudi Arabia have come from, Peskov said on Wednesday, according to TASS.

American media Wall Street Journal recently claimed that Saudi Arabia has shared intelligence with the United States warning of an imminent attack from Iran on targets in the kingdom.

WSJ published the alleged report while relations between Riyadh and Washington have weakened in recent weeks due to OPEC+'s decision to reduce oil production and Iran and Saudi Arabia are holding talks at the security level after a period of cut diplomatic ties. Four rounds of Tehran-Riyadh negotiations were held last year and the fifth round was held several months ago in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad.

Referring to the negotiations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kan'ani stated in a press conference, "Our talks are based on bilateral issues and have nothing to do with the process of sanctions lifting talks. We have many common issues with Saudi Arabia in the bilateral and regional fields, and we believe that talks to resume official relations between the two countries will provide the interests of both sides."

Iran's senior diplomat also added that so far, the negotiation process has been positive and both Iranian and Saudi Arabian sides have taken favorable steps forward.