TEHRAN, Sep. 27 (MNA) –Deputy Commander of Iranian Army Air Defense Brigadier General Alireza Elhami said that the domestically-manufactured “SEPEHR” radar with a range of 3,000km will be put into operation in very near future.

He made the remarks on Tuesday on the occasion of Sacred Defense Week.

Commenting on the key and significant role of the Army Air Defense during the eight years of Iraqi imposed war against Iran in 1980-1988, the general said that Leader of the Islamic Revolution placed special emphasis on strengthening the air defense system as the first priority of the country that must be taken into serious consideration.

“We are now among the world's top ten powers ... in some spheres. We will soon put into operation a homegrown Sepehr (over-the-horizon (OTH)) radar," he emphasized. 

While a number of countries in the world may possess such a radar, less than five states have the technical know-how to locally produce it, the commander continued.

He went on to say that Sepehr (Sky) radar will be operational in the near future, noting that it has a range of 3,000 kilometers and gives Iran Air Defense Force the upper hand in operations.

The radar can monitor all kinds of aircraft, ranging from commercial airliners, fighter jets and command and control military aircraft to aircraft fitted with radio relay stations and unmanned aerial vehicles, the commander said. 

“It can detect all aerial threats, and provide the necessary information for decision-making and countermeasures,” Elhami pointed out.

The senior Iranian commander also said long-range, road-mobile and surface-to-air Bavar-373 (Belief-373) missile system will come into operation in the near future, adding that the system can detect targets or planes at more than 300 kilometers.

Elhami highlighted that Iranian experts are working to upgrade the range of Sayyad (Hunter) tactical surface-to-air missile system, and increase it to 120 kilometers.

Iranian military experts and technicians have in recent years made substantial progress in manufacturing a broad range of indigenous equipment, making the armed forces self-sufficient.

Iranian officials have repeatedly warned that the country will not hesitate to strengthen its military capabilities, including its missile power, which are entirely meant for defense, saying the Islamic Republic’s defense capabilities will be never subject to negotiations.
