Publish Date: 20 September 2022 - 18:00

TEHRAN, Sep. 20 (MNA) – Russia wants peace and stability in the Caspian Sea region, the Russian Foreign Minister said Tuesday, according to local Russian media.

Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that his country stands for the development of cooperation with five littoral states on the basis of good neighborliness, according to Ria Novosti.

Russia's vital interests are maintaining peace, stability, and security in the Caspian region, sustainable development based on good neighborliness, trust and cooperation of littoral countries, and the realization of economic capacities, including transit, he said, adding that these are in the interest of all Caspian sea countries.

Russia supports the comprehensive development of multilateral cooperation between the five countries, the Russian diplomat noted.

"All the issues of the Caspian Sea region should be solved exclusively through consensus among the five littoral countries," he stressed, calling for avoiding the negative influence of powers far beyond the region, in an apparent reference to the visit of the US House of Representatives speaker Nancy Pelosi to Armenia a few days ago.
