Publish Date: 3 November 2021 - 13:07

TEHRAN, Nov. 03 (MNA) – Navy Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) thwarted the US navy's attempt to steal Iranian oil in the Oman Sea.

The recent confrontation follows the unprofessional behavior of the US warship in the southern waters of the country, which was met with a strong reaction from Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps' speedboats, after which, American ship left the scene.

According to the reports, the naval forces of the Islamic Republic Revolution Guards Corps have managed to thwart an attempt by the United States to take over a giant oil tanker in the strategic Sea of Oman and moved the vessel to the Iranian territorial water.

The United States confiscated a tanker carrying Iranian oil in the Sea of Oman and intended to unload the crude to another tanker and direct it to an unknown destination.

At the same time, IRGC Navy forces recaptured the tanker using Heliborne operations on the deck of the stolen tanker and directed it to the territorial waters of Iran.

The US forces then pursued the tanker using several helicopters and warships but failed to recapture the tanker but their second attempt was thwarted by IRGC naval forces. 

The American forces using some warships tried to block the path of the tanker but again failed. This tanker is currently in the territorial waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The IRGC has announced that it will shortly release the related video of the US attempted act of piracy. 

Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji has thanked the IRGC for saving the tanker. 
