TEHRAN, Oct. 11 (MNA) – Chief of Staff of Iran’s Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Bagheri strongly condemned the terrorist attack in a mosque in Kunduz city in Afghanistan on Monday.

Issuing a statement on Monday, Major General Mohammad Bagheri condemned the terrorist attack on a Shia Sayed Abad Mosque in Afghanistan’s northeastern city of Kunduz and expressed his condolences to the families of martyrs and called for severe punishment of perpetrators of this heinous crime.

This great and heartbroken tragedy that caused sorrow and grief among Muslim nations in the world emphasizes the importance of unity, amity, security and stability in the Islamic world, especially in the friendly and neighboring country of Afghanistan, he said.

Condemning the terrorist act in Afghanistan’s Kunduz province,  he added, “I express my deep condolences to the bereaved families of victims of this incident and wish speedy recovery for the injured.”

It is hoped that officials in Afghanistan will take necessary measures in punishing the perpetrators of this brutal crime in Afghanistan, he noted.

An explosion occurred near Eid Gah Mosque in Kabul on Friday which killed and wounded many people. Three people have been arrested in connection with the attack.
