TEHRAN, Oct. 10 (MNA) – Condemning the recent terrorist attack in Afghanistan's Kunduz, Lebanon's Hezbollah called on all religious authorities in the Islamic world to take a firm stand against these criminal terrorist groups.

Lebanon's Hezbollah in a statement has condemned the terrorist act in a Shia mosque in Afghanistan’s Kunduz province.

Hezbollah expresses deep sorrow for the martyrdom and injury of many worshipers in this terrorist attack, said the statement.

The statement also added that Hezbollah condemns this criminal act, which is contrary to all religions and human laws, criticizing the crime committed by ISIL terrorist group.

Hezbollah called on all religious authorities in the Islamic world to take a firm stand against these criminal terrorist groups.

Officials in Afghanistan must take the necessary measures to prevent the recurrence of such tragedies, it stressed.

An explosion occurred near Eid Gah Mosque in Kabul on Friday which killed and wounded many people. Three people have been arrested in connection with the attack.
