TEHRAN, Jan. 09 (MNA) – According to media outlets, US Vice President Mike Pence may use the 25th Amendment so as to remove Donald Trump from power if the president becomes more unstable.

Earlier media reports said the vice president was opposed to using the amendment in order to oust Trump, though Democratic lawmakers have been urging him to do so since the US Capitol siege on Wednesday.

US Vice President Mike Pence is not excluding the possibility of invoking the 25th Amendment in order to remove Donald Trump from power if the president becomes more unstable, CNN reported on Saturday, citing a source close to the VP.

At the same time, they are hoping for a peaceful transition of power and helping President-elect Joe Biden fight the pandemic, the source added.

According to CNBC, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin had actually discussed invoking the 25th Amendment with their respective agencies and came to the conclusion that the process would take longer than Trump is supposed to remain in office before Joe Biden is sworn in, so no immediate effect should be expected.

The 25th Amendment allows for a temporary or permanent transfer of power from the US president to vice president if the majority of Cabinet members certify to Congress that the president is unable to perform his duties.