TEHRAN, Jan. 04 (MNA) – In his latest baseless claim, Zionists' Netanyahu said Iran's resumption of 20 percent uranium enrichment is aimed at developing nuclear weapons.

Netanyahu claimed on Monday that Iran's resumption of 20%uranium enrichment was aimed at developing nuclear weapons and that Israeli regime would never allow Tehran to build them, ynetnews reported.

In a statement, Netanyahu claimed Iran's enrichment decision could be explained only as a bid to "continue to carry out its intention to develop a military nuclear program".

He boasted, "Israel will not allow Iran to produce nuclear weapons."

As announced on Monday, Iran has started the process of producing uranium with 20% enrichment at Fordow facility.

Ali Rabiei pointed to Iran’s counteractive plan to enrich uranium to up to 20% purity, saying that the gas injection process into centrifuges started “hours ago” following President Hassan Rouhani’s recent order on the implementation of the plan.

The Iranian parliament approved a bill in December aimed at the lifting of sanctions after the failure of JCPOA’s European parties to fulfill commitments and in wake of the assassination of an Iranian scientist.

It is worth noting a fatwa from the Iranian Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, bans the development of weapons of mass destruction as contrary to Islam.