Publish Date: 15 December 2020 - 17:59

TEHRAN, Dec. 15 (MNA) – Explaining the details of financing the imports of the Coronavirus vaccine to Iran, the CBI Gov. Abdolnaser Hemmati said the US can revoke its permit to buy the vaccine at any moment it desires.

The Governor of the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) Hemmati underscored that the purchase of basic goods, medicines, and medical equipment must not be subject to any sanctions and their imports must not require any license.

"Of course, all US sanctions against Iran are illegitimate in our view and against the international laws," he said, "But the Trump administration has violated all the international regulations in line with its policy of maximum pressure, or in better words, the maximum coercion and unilateralism."

"The boycott of the entire Iranian financial system and all Iranian banks is among one of the major violations of the US from the international regulations," he added.

"The fact that the US has imposed sanctions on the CBI and all Iranian banks, as well as on Iran's exports of oil, petrochemicals, and other Iranian exports, shows that there are no limits for it on putting pressure on the Iranian nation," Hemmati said.

"Imports of basic goods and medicine must be done via banks," he said.

"How would it be possible to do imports without banks?" he asked.

Underlining that all anti-Iranian policies of the US have failed, the CBI governor said banks who are involved in transferring money for the purchase of Covid-19 for Iran follow some specific pre-conditions.

"Due to US pressure on various European banks, i.e. intimidating them from working with Iran and levying heavy fines on them, the destination bank is willing to accept the money if a special and occasional license is issued by the United States with all the steps of money transfer explicitly mentioned in it."

"Currently, the license issued by the US covers the conversion of Iranian financial resources frozen in South Korean banks from Won to US dollar through an American bank and then to a destination bank," he described.

The CBI top official added: "In this license, there is no guarantee that the money will reach its destination."

"The Americans have made it clearly stated that they can revoke their licenses at any time and at any stage."

"This can include the stage when the money is converted into US dollars and is an American bank. The question is in case the purchase of medicine and food is not sanctioned, what does the revocation of an issued license mean?"

"Another point is that the Americans have issued a public license for imports of humanitarian items to Iran that foreign banks are reluctant to accept!"

Hemmati noted that foreign banks are not reluctant to work with Iran but are terribly concerned with US fines.

However, Hemmati informed that Iran is doing its required financial transactions for purchasing basic goods and medicine via channels that can not be monitored and controlled by the US, reiterating that US policies against Iran are doomed to failure.

Iran will definitely purchase the Covid-19 vaccine from specific countries, he added.
