Publish Date: 24 November 2020 - 14:23

TEHRAN, Nov. 24 (MNA) – According to the latest announced figures by the Iranian Health Ministry, 13,721 new COVID-19 infections have been confirmed in the past 24 hours.

Speaking in her daily briefing, the Ministry’s spokesperson Sima Lari said that the death toll of the official death toll of the disease stands at 45,738 with the daily deaths reaching 483 on Tuesday. 

She said that 13,721new infections have been detected since Wednesday, adding that 2,801 of those have been hospitalized.

The total number of infections has hit 880,542.

Lari also said that 5,824 people are suffering from critical conditions.

5,871,098 tests have been carried out in the country since the start of the outbreak, she said, adding that more than 617,715 people have also recovered from the disease.

The outbreak continues to surge across the globe. So far more than 59.6 million cases and above 1.4 million deaths have been confirmed, according to the compiled data.