On Wednesday, a video conference was held with the presence of the secretary-general of Iran’s Drug Control Headquarters Eskandar Momeni and Ghada Wali, the Director-General of the UN Office at Vienna and Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
Despite the conditions caused by the spreading of coronavirus in the world and the imposition of oppressive sanctions against the country, the Islamic Republic has not stopped fighting against drug trafficking, Momeni said in the meeting.
Hailing Iran achievements in the fight against narcotics, he announced over a 26-percentage increase in Iran's narcotics discoveries in the first six months of the Iranian calendar year.
During the mentioned period, 700 tons of narcotics were discovered throughout the country, he said, adding, “Recently a shipment of 2 tons of narcotics destined for European countries was also discovered.”
In this regard, he expressed deep concern over the increasing production of industrial narcotics, especially glass in Afghanistan which is supported by the US and other western countries.
The continuation of such an increase will be in detriment of European and regional countries, he explained.
Ghada Wali, for her part, hailed Iran’s great measures in the fight against narcotics and also called the Islamic Republic of Iran an important partner for UNODC in this field.
“As Iran enjoys valuable experiences in the field of narcotics confiscation, therefore we seek to cooperate with Iran in various fields and to transfer such Iranian knowledge to the countries of the region and the member countries of UNODC”, she added.