Publish Date: 17 September 2020 - 09:19

TEHRAN, Sep. 17 (MNA) – Mehr News takes a look at the headlines of Iran’s Persian-language dailies on Thursday, September 17.


UAE, Bahrain will pay the price for disgraceful normalization of ties with the Israeli regime: Velayati

E3 claims it has fulfilled more than JCPOA commitments

Rouhani deplores UAE, Bahrain for seeking ties with the Israeli regime


We are in economic war: Rouhani


Public outcry over UEA, Bahrain normalizations with the Israeli regime

President urges provision of the grounds to mitigate economic pressure on people

Deputy FM: US unable to introduce a substitute to JCPOA

Palestinian cause the first issue of the Muslim World: Velayati

Mardom Salari

Zarif chides Politico’s claims

President says Iran in the middle of economic war, but facing economic terrorism

Riyadh developing nuclear activities