In a tweet on late Friday, Ulyanov wrote, "As always, the new #IAEA Director General’s confidential reports on #Iran were leaked to the US press immediately upon their circulation among Governors. Shameful."
"The positive thing is that the public got another confirmation of good cooperation between the Agency and Iran," he added.
In another tweet, he wrote, "It’s clear from leaked #IAEA reports that #Iran has started to provide access to locations specified by the Agency."
"Those who hoped to arrange a crisis around this issue must feel themselves very disappointed," he added.
"The spirit of cooperation between the IAEA and Tehran prevailed," the Russian diplomat said.
The International Atomic Energy Agency, in its latest report, has confirmed that the level of Iran’s heavy water uranium complies with the JCPOA limits.
Delivering a report on Friday, the International Atomic Energy Agency declared that Iran’s heavy water stockpile is less than 130 tons, which is in compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).