TEHRAN, Aug. 31 (MNA) – Head of Iran's Passive Defense Organization said that Air Defense Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran is tasked with providing major security of borders of Iranian sky.

Brigadier General Gholamreza Jalali made the remarks on Mon. on the occasion of National Air Defense Day and added, “Not only air defense is at the forefront of confronting enemy but also it is the cutting edge of sciences and technologies.”

Today, Air Defense Base is responsible for providing a major part of security at borders of Iranian sky, he emphasized.

Air defense enjoys a completely defensive aspect, he emphasized, adding, “Passive defense and air defense are the two defensive and complementary wings of the country and complete defense is formed in cooperation and coordination between the aforementioned forces.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, head of Passive Defense Organization reiterated, “The downing of a state-of-the-art American spy plane showed country's air defense capability and potential but what doubled the sweetness of this victory was the use of a native and homegrown system in the operation.”

The current security and authority governing land, sea and air geographical territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran is deep rooted in looking domestic capability, Jalali underlined.

He addressed border guards of Iranian skies and added, “we honor and appreciate your bravery and always grateful for your watchful eyes in maintaining security at borders of Iranian sky.”
