TEHRAN, Jul. 12 (MNA) – The number of infections with the novel coronavirus are reaching 13 million, with the deaths having exceeded 567,000, according to Worldometer figures.

According to the latest figures on Sunday, 12,844,410 people have so far been infected with the novel coronavirus globally, with the deaths reaching 567,657 and recoveries amounting to 7,479,527.

United States, Brazil, India, Russia, Peru, Chile, Spain, Mexico, Uk, South Africa, Iran, Pakistan, Italy, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey are respectively the worst-hit countries having maximum cases of coronavirus and the numbers are increasing every day.

Some 137,403 people are now known to have died in the United States from COVID-19 followed by Brazil with 71,492 and the UK with 44,798 deaths.

The number of India's coronavirus deaths has passed 22,000 with the country’s total infections standing at 850,358.

The COVID-19 death toll in Russia surged to 11,205, with the number of confirmed cases rising to 720,547.

The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Peru has reached 322,710, with a total death toll of 11,682.

Chile is the next severely-hit country with 312,029 positive cases and death toll of 6,881.

According to Iran's Health Ministry on Saturday, the novel coronavirus has infected 2,397 people in Iran, increasing the total cases to 255,117. Some 188 people died of the disease, putting the total number of deaths in the country at 12,635.