TEHRAN, Jun. 28 (MNA) – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal Affairs Mohsen Baharvand said on Sunday that decoding the black box of the Ukrainian plane will begin on July 20, under the supervision of an Iranian team in France.

Referring to the latest measures regarding the black box of the Ukrainian plane, he noted, “Iran Civil Aviation Organization has made the necessary correspondence with the French Air Accident Research and Analysis Office and the agreement has been almost finalized.”

“If everything goes as planned and nothing unexpected happens, the black box will be transported to France by Iran Civil Aviation Organization and extracting and decoding data will begin on July 20, 2020,” he added.

“A team of experts and specialists from the Islamic Republic of Iran will lead the research and the reading data will be done under the guidance and supervision of the Iranian team, however, other countries that are somehow related to this unfortunate event can send a representative to France,” he maintained.

Carrying 167 passengers and nine crewmembers, Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 crashed outside Iran’s capital on January 8, moments following takeoff from the city’s Imam Khomeini airport, after being mistakenly identified by Iranian air defenses with an incoming cruise missile.

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