TEHRAN, Mar. 02 (MNA) – Head of Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPOI) Hamid Zadboum said on Mon. that backing continuation of activity of shipping lines is one of the main policies of his organization for promoting exports and export activities.

He termed launching regular shipping lines by the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL) as a giant stride for realizing general policies of the ‘resistance economy and export promotion’ and added, “IRISL’s regular shipping lines has been launched by the Khazar Sea Shipping Lines Company at the margin of the Caspian Sea, Sepid Shipping Company in the Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman and India as well as Hafez Darya Arya Shipping Line Co. in East Africa.

He also revealed the 13fold growth of products loaded for export in Khazar Sea Shipping Lines Company and added, “increased volume of products loaded for export from about 11,000 tons in 2015 to 145,000 tons in 2018 indicates that accurate policy has been adopted in supporting regular activity of shipping lines.”

A number of 72 travels are done to the destinations of Astrakhan port in Russia, Aktau port in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan’s Baku annually, he emphasized.

The deputy minister of industry urged export economic enterprises to transport their export products in cooperation with shipping companies of the country using preferential trade tariffs.
