“The martyrdom of General Soleimani led to an awakening in Iran and the region,” he said on Wednesday in a local ceremony, adding that the incident “created unity inside the country which in part affects other countries.”
Under President Trump’s order, US terrorist forces assassinated IRGC Quds Force commander General Qasem Soleimani and deputy PMU Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis on Jan. 3 at Baghdad airport.
“A superpower assassinates our general who was a guest in another country … this tarnished the US image,” Larijani added.
US animosity towards Iran has reached its highest level since the Islamic Revolution, he said, noting that “we are now seeing a full-scale confrontation” where Washington carries out an act of ‘state terrorism’.
“Westerners and Americans are using all means and plots to impede Iran’s economic growth and consequently to put pressure on people,” he said.