Written and directed by Alireza Ghasemi, ‘Better than Neil Armstrong’ is the story of four kids who start their journey to the moon with the mission of finding a mysterious place called ‘The Redland’, but the gates of The Redland are being guarded by a mischievous snake.
The Iranian short will take part at the 15th edition of the Poppy Jasper International Film Festival in the United States, scheduled for April 1 – 8, 2020.
The Festival is an annual event dedicated to independent films.
Based in Gilroy and Morgan Hill, Hollister and San Juan Bautista, the festival has been affiliated with the historic Granada Theater and has enjoyed strong community support as one of a handful of art festivals in the Gilroy and Morgan Hill region that regularly draws over 3000 people to its 8-day festival.
The festival's mission, according to its organizers, is to celebrate artistic achievement in film, promote tomorrow’s filmmakers, create a space where filmmakers can learn from each other and industry professionals, and educate youth, adults, seniors and veterans about careers in film and the digital arts.