TEHRAN, Dec. 30 (MNA) – Following the American aggression in Al-Qaim city, Iraqi Security Council announced on Monday that it Iraq will review the relationship and working contexts with the American coalition.

The Security held an emergency meeting, led by Adel Abdul-Mahdi, to discuss the repercussions of US airstrikes against some bases of Iraqi Mobilization Units on Sunday, claiming the act was in response to alleged attacks against US forces in Iraq. 

The Iraqi Security Council announced, "The American aggression in Al-Qaim city pushes Baghdad to review the relationship and working contexts with the international coalition."

"The sinful aggression that violates the goals and principles for which the international coalition is formed, pushes Iraq to review the relationship and security and political and legal work contexts in a manner that preserves the sovereignty and security of the country, protecting the lives of its children and promoting common interests."

A statement to the council said: "As the Iraqi government condemns this act and considers it a violation of the sovereignty of Iraq and a violation of the rules of action of the coalition forces, including the American forces, in carrying out operations without the approval of the Iraqi government, not to mention that this operation targeted Iraqi forces holding a significant front on the border against the remnants of ISIS. This endangers the security and sovereignty of Iraq, and it also threatens the security of all without exception. "

The statement added: "Dozens of martyrs and wounded of our valiant forces have fallen as a result of this attack, and that the American forces have relied on their own conclusions and political priorities, not the priorities as seen by the government and people of Iraq."

He stressed that the protection of Iraq, its camps and the forces present in it is the responsibility of the Iraqi security forces exclusively, not of those who act unilaterally and against the will of the Iraqi state and its interests.

The National Security Council stated that Iraq has repeatedly stressed its refusal to be a battleground or a party to any regional or international conflict, and has made strenuous efforts to prevent frictions and reduce clashes in a country and region that has lived for decades for conflicts, interventions, occupation, and wars.

Threatening the security of Iraq and bringing it into side conflicts will bring terrible results for everyone, the statement said noting that "many of those who were martyrs and wounded as a result of the recent attack contributed to making great victories against ISIS."
