The feature-length documentary ‘Kiarostami and His Missing Cane’, directed by Mahmoudreza Sani and produced by Behrouz Neshan, is the latest narrative on the late, world-renowned Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami.
The piece attempts to depict Kiarostami’s worldview and his perspective on life and cinema.
The Iranian feature will be taking part at the 9th edition of IntimaLente Film Festival in Italy, slated for December 20, 2019.
IntimaLente Festival aims to promote documentary cinema with particular attention to anthropological topics and methodologies, according to the event’s organizers.
‘Kiarostami and His Missing Cane’ had previously taken part at Eurasia International Monthly Film Festival in Russia, and won the best feature-length documentary award at the 4th Salto Independent Film Festival in Uruguay.