TEHRAN, Nov. 07 (MNA) – Spokesman for the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi said that Iran can meet requirements in Fordow nuclear facility out of waste productions within the next 5 to 6 years.

He made the remarks in an exclusive interview on Thu. concerning today’s session of Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on 4th step of Iran’s reduction of its JCPOA commitments and added, “preliminary session of IAEA held today as a prelude for the main session which will be held tomorrow. Of course, this session is not a new issue while it is held once in a while in order to discuss Iranian nuclear issue.”

He went on to say that Permanent envoy to Vienna-based international organizations, Kazem Gharibabadi will take part in the session with the aim of describing Iran’s positions in this regard.

Totally, AEOI will possess 9,500 SWU (seperative work unit), the amount of which is similar to pre-sanctions period, Kamalvandi added.

The gas injection operation of centrifuge chains and collection of enriched uranium in Fordow nuclear site started early minutes on Thursday after transferring the tank containing 2,000kg of UF-6 (uranium hexafluoride) from Shahid Ahmadi Roshan Nuclear Site (Natanz) to Shahid Alimohammadi Nuclear Site (Fordow) and connecting the tank to feeding lines and successfully completion of all relevant technical operations [including final vacuuming of controlling centrifuge machines and valves and checking control and automation systems] and commissioning of collection and completion of passivation operations, he added.
