TEHRAN, Oct. 31 (MNA) – The United States plans to allow Russian, Chinese and European companies to continue work at Iranian nuclear facilities, two sources familiar with the matter said on Wednesday.

The Trump administration, which last year pulled out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and re-imposed sanctions on Iran, will let the work go forward by issuing waivers to sanctions that bar non-U.S. firms from dealing with the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), said the sources on condition of anonymity, Reuters reported.

The waivers’ renewal would allow non-proliferation work to continue at the Arak heavy water research reactor and the Fordow fuel enrichment plant.

Iran's Leader has long made it abundantly clear that nuclear weapons are immoral  and contravene Islamic principles.

Under the 2015 deal between Iran and six world powers - Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States - Tehran agreed to limit its nuclear program in return for the lifting of economic embargo.

When US President Donald Trump unilaterally abandoned the deal in May 2018, he re-imposed US sanctions in a “maximum pressure” campaign.