TEHRAN, Sep. 07 (MNA) – ِDeputy head of Law Enforcement Forces of the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan informed on Saturday that some 58,000 liters of smuggled diesel fuel have been seized.

The smuggled cargo was carried by two tank-trucks commuting in Saravan-Khash road, General Ahmad Zaheri said.

The tank-trucks and the cargo have been confiscated and the arrested people are sent to the court.

Although Iranian rial has experienced a severe depreciation against international currencies in recent months, fuel prices have remained unchanged and this has multiplied the lucrativeness of fuel smuggling in Iran.

As reported in early June, Iran has launched a border market to sell diesel fuel to buyers in Pakistan and Afghanistan to counter smuggling of fuel ate border areas.

As the US and European Union tighten sanctions on Iran, a lucrative cross-border industry of smuggling fuel and goods has emerged, bolstered by a sharp drop in the value of the Iranian currency.

Fuel, especially diesel, is being moved illegally out of the country through cities bordering Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey, says Alireza Zeighami, deputy oil minister for refining and distribution.

Between 7 million-10 million liters of petrol and diesel are smuggled out every day, according to Iranian state media. Analysts are attributing a 7 percent rise in fuel consumption to an increase in smuggling activity.

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