Publish Date: 2 July 2019 - 16:16

TEHRAN, Jul. 02 (MNA) – President of Iran's Academy of Medical Sciences, Seyed Alireza Marandi in a letter to EU Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini Strongly criticized the silence of international and human rights communities against US economic terrorism which aimed the health of the Iranian people.

The full text of his letter to EU Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini is as follows:

High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice‐President of the European Commission  

Dear High Representative Mogherini, as the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Academy of Medical Sciences, which has a duty to monitor the health of our citizens, I would like to declare a number of points to you regarding the outrageous sanctions against our innocent people.

1. The illegal sanctions based on evidence and documentation and as stated in the several correspondences that I have had with the UN Secretary-General, have limited the access to medicine and vital medical equipment leading to criticalhealth conditions and the death of many innocent patients

2. The use of brutal sanctions has led to a reduction in the value of the national currency, a decrease in the public's purchasing power, and rising prices. As a result, providing affordable healthy food for many people has become problematic. Therefore US led economic warfare and terrorism has had a direct impact on the health of the community.

3. Major events, such as flooding in parts of our country in recent months, have seriously damaged houses and living conditions for many people, and unfortunately, cruel sanctions have prevented international financial aid and even aid from fellow Iranians abroad to reach the people in need. Meanwhile, soaring summer temperatures increase the risk of an outbreak of contagious diseases among these people.

Given the above, what is certain is that the problems related to supplying food and medicine cannot be solved through the utterly inadequate and unreliable mechanisms you intend to create. The entire sanctions regime must be lifted or ignored, our oil exported, and normal banking and financial exchanges resumed in accordance with the nuclear deal in order to resolve these problems. The compassionate and hardworking medical community in the Islamic Republic of Iran, over the last forty years, has been struggling for the wellbeing of our people. This was especially evident during the imposed war when western countries provided Saddam Hussein with chemical weapons and as numerous layers of illegal and inhumane sanctions were imposed. This question will always remain in the minds of our medical community, why should our people suffer under these barbaric sanctions while the self-proclaimed champions of human rights are silent and complicit.

Yours sincerely,

Seyed Alireza Marandi, M.D.


Academy of Medical Sciences

Islamic Republic of Iran