TEHRAN, May 05 (MNA) – The IRGC chief commander Major General Hossein Salami said Sun. that the IRGC Intelligence unit and the Intelligence Ministry complete each other in defending the Islamic Establishment.

Intelligence Minister Seyed Mahmoud Alavi went to Central Command of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Commander on Sanday to meet with the new IRGC chief commander Major General Hossein Salami.

Hossein Taeb, the head of the IRGC Intelligence unit was also present in the meeting along with some other IRGC intelligence officials.

“The Intelligence Ministry and the IRGC Intelligence unit are the two vigilant eyes of the Islamic Establishment and Revolution and complete each other at the time of missions,” Major General Salami said in the meeting.

Intelligence Minister Seyed Mahmoud Alavi, for his part, congratulated Gen. Salami on his appointment at the top of the IRGC.

Alavi also said that the intelligence community holds regular and constant meetings to defend the Islamic Establishment, expressing hope that the cooperation between the two intelligence bodies would further increase during Gen. Salami’s term.
