TEHRAN, Jan. 17 (MNA) – Over 3,000 activists in the United States and other countries have signed a petition urging the European countries to bar the US-led conference against Iran, which is due in Warsaw next month.

The activists have started a campaign by signing a petition on the website of the anti-war group Code Pink to call on the European countries to refrain from taking part in the conference.

The petition describes the conference as part of Washington’s pressure campaign against Iran following its withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear agreement and re-imposition of sanctions.

As the European countries are still commited to the nuclear deal, “it would not make sense for Europe to participate in a conference hostile to Iran. Your non-participation would send a critical message to other countries to follow your lead,” the petition says.

“We urge all nations to skip this conference and instead pressure the US administration to rejoin the Iran nuclear agreement. We urge you to host an alternative gathering with all Middle Eastern nations, including Iran, to stop terrorism and end wars, including the catastrophic war in Yemen.”

Organized by the United States, an anti-Iran conference is going to be held in Poland's Warsaw next month.

The summit is dubbed ‘Ministerial to Promote a Future of Peace and Security in the Middle East’ and according to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, it will focus on Iran.
