Of total exports volume of nonoil commodities, $3 billion of which related to the export of gas and oil products while about $16 billion of which should be returned to the cycle.
He also put the total foreign exchange rate supplied in online currency trading system (Persian acronym for NIMA) during the implementation of new currency package at approx. €2 billion, more than 80 percent of which related to the petrochemical companies while the remaining exporters of nonoil commodities accounted for less than 20 percent (20%) share at the secondary FOREX Market.
He called on other exporters of nonoil commodities to offer their currencies obtained from exports in line with materializing objectives of secondary FOREX Market.
He went on to say that $13 billion worth of currency has been allocated for importing basic and essential goods, drugs and medical equipment, the amount of which will be supplied gradually.
Turning to the currency requirements of people, he said, “banknote [bill] pertinent to the actual requirements of people will be provided by the banks and FOREX shops.”
In conclusion, CBI Governor Hemmati emphasized that concerned officials at the Central Bank of Iran has established good cooperation and coordination with FOREX shops for facilitating and transacting currency at these centers.