TEHRAN, Mar. 08 (MNA) – Former IRGC general and current secretary of the Expediency Council has warned President Rouhani of ‘little dynamism’ to save an economy already in trouble, since a new president in the White House would decide differently than had Obama in the past.

Mr. Mohsen Rezaei’s letter touched some of the most significant economic problems of Mr. Rouhani’s government with the new administration in the US. He specifically criticized what he believed was to display an image of Iran as accepting compromises and to reveal weaknesses which would make the US and Trump administration more aggressive in policies toward Iran. “The policy of rejecting war and aggression in the face of a belligerent rhetoric of the White House would not produce desirable result like that it would during Obama administration; Trump is totally different than Obama and his overnight decisions would turn the situation up-side down once he saw Tehran more malleable and retreating against US regional allies such as Saudi Arabia and Israel,” the letter warned.

“The government should abandon such peace-seeking rhetoric in opting for a robust movement toward resuscitating economy and saving the national currency from further depreciation of value; the Middle East now is an uncharted territory for us; new order has been asserting itself; aggressive Saudi Arabia and even more aggressive Trump administration require a total review of our campaign in rejecting peace, while the aggressive side would not even recognize our position in the international community as inherently peace-seeking country,” it continued. “This sort of rhetoric in a Darwinian world of the survival of the fittest would jeopardize the national security; with a Republican administration in the US and a liberal-minded cabinet in Tehran, the evidence shows that the latter had to sustain severe pressures; the status quo in the White House is reminiscent of the times when Republican hawks opted for immediately pressing Tehran to force their desired policies to be accepted.”

“The current language of diplomacy and peace should be changed to signal to Trump that Iran was not too weak and compromising to be easily molded in the hands of the White House; nor should Tehran act in a manner to tantalize Trump administration into even more dangerous adventurism such as military option; this is the art of the foreign policy and diplomacy to keep a safe distance from Trump, yet to prevent him from going too farther afield and into the wilderness,” the letter recommended.  

“The war waged against the nation by the enemies is economic warfare; the rhetoric advocated by the cabinet and the foreign policy machinery contributed little to the relieving the public of economic difficulties; sanctions on dollar trade are still in place; our national currency has shrunken in its value; the government should work to unfreeze the national assets in foreign banks in abandoning the current tone in dealing with the international imperialist system; the ices on the domestic market and production should be melt; the government should challenge the US on the JCPOA to revive Iranian national rights,” Rezaei’s letter continued, rejecting the strategic relations with the US and its proponents as waiting for nothing than delusions which would never be realized. “On this, Iranians have years of experience and should not repeat the error of judgement in trusting the US,” it concluded.
