Publish Date: 30 September 2016 - 16:57

TEHRAN, Sep. 30 (MNA) – The root cause of the complicated security issues in region and the emergence of ISIL were due to US military interventions, Iranian Parliament's General Director for International Affairs said Friday.

Hossein Amir-Abdollahian made the comment in reaction to the remarks by US Secretary of States John Kerry about the role of Iran in Yemen, Syria, and its support for Hezbollah; “The axis of US and Zionist regime is behind Saudi Arabia’s military aggression in Yemen,” he added.

“Saudis would have never been able to attack Yemen without intelligence and logistical support from Washington,” he said. “And now Saudi Arabia has been seriously caught up in the tangle of Yemenis’ resistance.”

“No doubt the interventionist policies of the US will prevent the realization of a political solution to the crises in Syria and Yemen,” he said.

He went on to stress, “Tehran has always pursued the most constructive policy toward regional issues and the fight against terrorism and helping with the security and stability of the Middle East.”

“It is our human and religious duty to provide effective assistance to the governments and nations of Iraq and Syria in the fight against terrorism,” he said. “We will continue to increase our consultative and humanitarian assistance until full stability and security have returned to our region.”
