TEHRAN, Feb. 03 (MNA) – Iran’s Parliament Speaker has criticized Saudi Arabia’s military approach stressing it would never achieve success.

Speaking at a meeting with German FM Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Tehran on Wednesday morning, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said “Iranian businessmen have held economic relations with Germany since old times and currently time is ripe for further boosting of ties.”

“German economic delegations have been commuting to Iran over the past few months which marks a satisfaction for both countries,” he added.

Larijani expressed concerns over increased tensions in the region asserting “certain peculiar issues are ongoing in the region in need of being resolved; unfortunately, some countries cause a rise in the disputes by aiding terrorists.”

Denouncing the military strategy pursued by Saudis, the parliament speaker said “these methods will never have a favorable outcome exactly like the case of US military attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

At the end of his remarks, Ali Larijani warned that the continuation of Vienna talks on Syria remains as a mere jest until the viewpoints of participating countries are not rectified each seeking personal interests by manipulating terrorism.

The Foreign Minister of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, for his part, expressed satisfaction for having visited Iran twice in the course of three months; “German trade delegations have reached encouraging results and we hail the implementation of the JCPOA.”

“The biggest concern remains as the crises and tensions which have spread through the region while we have failed to find the final solution to them,” he continued.

Steinmeier expressed certainty that Iran and Germany are eager to solve regional issues for having experienced the sweet taste of friendly ties.

Touching upon the disputes among Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan and Iraq, the official underlined “during the nuclear negotiations with Iran, all countries would seek reaching a final agreement while unfortunately; the Vienna talks lack the similar integration.”

He reminded that even the Syrian opposition groups lack homogeneity which marks a threat for the talks to reach a stalemate.

“In the realm of politics, reaching a fruitful agreement is not easy and demands the efforts of all countries,” stressed Steinmeier noting that military movements would never bring about satisfactory results.

