US Spying Activities
IRGC dismantles American, Israeli spying networks in Iran
TEHRAN, Feb. 19 (MNA) – Iran’s IRGC intelligence forces have dismantled multiple espionage networks linked to the US, Israel, and hostile nations in northern Iran.
Kata’ib Hezbollah:
US Baghdad embassy serving as military, security center
TEHRAN, Dec. 10 (MNA) – Iraq’s anti-terror group Kata’ib Hezbollah says the US turned its embassy compound at the heavily fortified Green Zone in the center of Baghdad into a military and security command center, conspiring against the Iraqi nation.
IRGC dep. cmdr:
Iran arrests CIA-linked agents during recent riots
TEHRAN, Nov. 29 (MNA) – Ali Fadavi, IRGC deputy commander-in-chief, said Tuesday that the Iranian intelligence forces arrested a number of spy agents who were linked to the US intelligence services during recent foreign-orchestrated riots.
"Begher Namazi" Leaves Iran for Oman
TEHRAN, Oct. 05 (MNA) – Bagheri Namazi, an American spy who was recently released on the humanitarian ground by the Islamic Republic of Iran left Iran to go to Oman.
New details on arresting Mossad spies in Iran released
TEHRAN, Jul. 24 (MNA) – Iran’s Intelligence Ministry released more details about arresting the Mossad spy team in Iran on Saturday.
No Country for Spies - Part Two
TEHRAN, Jan. 12 (MNA) – The US gave the cold shoulder to spies who once worked for it and now experience problems. It exploits these personal difficulties to force them into keeping doing the same job that got them bankrupt in first place: espionage.