Cold War
How did US violate quadruple agreements?
TEHRAN, Feb. 14 (MNA)–US violation of 4 treaties inked between Washington and Moscow such as Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, NATO expansion, and Open Skies Treaty led ties between two states to current crisis.
Regarding intl. peace, security;
Munich Security Conference has "no" brilliant record
TEHRAN, Feb. 18 (MNA) – Sixty years after the formation of its formation, the Munich Security Conference has not left a brilliant record regarding international peace and security.
UK, its allies suspend participation in CFE Treaty
TEHRAN, Nov. 07 (MNA) – The UK and its allies suspend participation in the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty) following Russia's withdrawal from it.
NATO to launch biggest military exercise since cold war
TEHRAN, Sep. 11 (MNA) – NATO is preparing its biggest live joint command exercise since the Cold War next year with the participation of more than 40,000 troops.
China releases 12-point peace plan for Russia-Ukraine war
TEHRAN, Feb. 24 (MNA) – The People's Republic of China has called for a cease-fire between Russia and Ukraine, releasing a 12-point "peace plan" on the one-year anniversary of the invasion.
Russia says pulling back some forces from Ukraine Border
TEHRAN, Feb. 15 (MNA) – Russia said on Tuesday it was pulling back some of its forces near the Ukrainian border to their bases, in what would be the first major step towards de-escalation in weeks of crisis with the West.
US lawmaker:
Weakness of Washington being felt by Russia, China leaders
TEHRAN, Jan. 17 (MNA) – A senior US congress member acknowledged that the weakness of the United States has been felt by leaders of Russia, China, and even North Korea.