Book Review
Safeer-e Noor: Book on Pakistan's Syed Arif al Hussaini
TEHRAN, Feb. 21 (MNA) – A book titled "Safeer E Noor" by Tasleem Reza Khan and translated from Urdu into Farsi has been released in Iran in a bid to shed light on the life and endeavors of the Pakistani figure Syed Arif Hussain al Hussaini.
Book on Iran nuclear program: “Do Not Trust”
TEHRAN, Feb. 14 (MNA) – The book titled “I Told You Not to Trust” reflects statements of Iran's Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, on nuclear talks with foreign countries including the US over recent years.
Ten-Day Dawn: The Islamic Revolution of Iran
TEHRAN, Feb. 07 (MNA) – The book "The Islamic Revolution of Iran" by Esmail Fakhrian compiled from the statements of Iran’s Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, explores key issues surrounding the 1979 Revolution, a pivotal event in Iran's history.
Sacred Defense Book: I'll Stay with You for Good
TEHRAN, Jan. 31 (MNA) – "I'll Stay with You for Good" by Maryam Erfanian is a memoir in the Sacred Defense genre, detailing the emotional journey of the author, the wife of a war commander, as she sends her beloved to battle.
Bibliography of Gaza: A book for freedom-seekers
TEHRAN, Jan. 17 (MNA) – The Bibliography of Gaza, written by Hojjatolhagh Hosseini, that introduces a comprehensive collection of references on the history of the Gaza Strip has been published in Iran.
Iran bookstores host “Post-Cinematic Theatre and Performance”
TEHRAN, Aug. 12 (MNA) – A Persian translation of Piotr Woycicki’s “Post-Cinematic Theatre and Performance” has recently appeared in Iranian bookstores.