TEHRAN, Oct. 21 (MNA) – Iran’s Navy Chief Rear Admiral Shahram Irani says presence and participation of different countries in combined Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) Maritime Exercise “IMEX 2024”, shows that the country cannot be isolated.

“The big military exercise showed that the Islamic Republic of Iran, along with all the countries in the region, have focused their efforts on establishing peace and security in the international community,” Irani said on Sunday.

He noted that the important drill also showed high security in the northern tip of the Indian Ocean and that the countries in the region are capable of ensuring the security of maritime transport routes and trade and have no need for outsiders.

Pointing to the importance of holding the military exercise under the ongoing situation in the West Asia region, the commander said, “Establishing security is the most important issue that countries, particularly the Armed Forces, pay attention to in order to ensure the sea-based economy and the maritime connecting routes.”

Irani warned against plots to portray the northern tip of the Indian Ocean as an insecure region, saying, however, that regional countries enjoy unity and intend to promote tranquility for nations.

He noted that some Western countries have carried out destructive efforts as they are concerned that there is no reason for their unjustified presence in the region.

The top commander reaffirmed Iran’s goal to promote the global economy and security and help other countries in this regard.

He noted that the maritime exercise was different from the previous drills which only focused on military aspects.

“Today, our focus is on collective security which is achieved through participation of all players,” Irani said.

MA/Press TV