TEHRAN, Sep. 30 (MNA) – The Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces has offered his condolences on the martyrdom of Hezbollah Secretary-general Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, emphasizing that the path of Martyr Nasrallah will continue more vigorously.

In a condolence message regarding the martyrdom of Nasrallah, Major General Mohammad Bagheri stated that the brutal attack by the Zionist regime on the Dahieh region of Beirut is a criminal act, describing it as a medieval atrocity that deeply affects the Islamic Ummah, freedom-loving, and independent nations worldwide.

The Zionist regime, which committed a brutal crime in Lebanon with the support of the leaders of the terrorist regime of the United States and its European and Western allies, must know that this barbaric act not only does not harm the will of the Resistance combatants but also creates a new and honorable milestone in the fight against Zionist enemies, he added.

He also noted that the martyrdom of Nasrallah would increase the strength and authority of Hezbollah, making them more determined in their fight against the Zionist criminals.

General Bagheri emphasized that the path of Martyr Nasrallah will continue more vigorously, and God-willingly, the fate of the region and Palestine will be determined in the near future through the unwavering determination of the Resistance combatants.
